Tom Carroll » Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

Dear Student,

Welcome to Musical Theatre Class! 

Hello and welcome to Musical Theatre class! My name is Mr. Carroll and I am QSI’s Musical Theatre Director. Last school year was my first time at QSI and I had the honor of meeting many of you and launching the school’s very first musical theatre program. Through this work we produced many amazing productions and I look forward to continuing this work with you. 

What will we be doing in class? 

Musical theatre is all about collaboration and participation. In this class you must be willing to sing, move, express, and act. There are also possible opportunities to be on the production team (i.e. lights and sound). However, please be advised that it is expected that all students are willing to act and sing as part of this class. It is also expected that all students are respectful to each other, the teacher, and the work we are producing. This includes line and song memorization and scene work. 

Classroom Expectations

It is expected that by this point in your educational career you understand the importance of positive behavior in the classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to plan the activities that we will be engaging in. It is the responsibility of the students to try to complete these activities with respect. Distracting behavior will be followed up with a phone call home and other potential consequences. Please do your best to follow our routines and behavioral guidelines. 

Important QSI Policies 

 Grading and Assessment Policy

Cell Phone Policy 2023-24


[email protected]